10 Criminals Who got Caught Due To Their Stupidities
It is a good thing that these criminals are not smart, or they will still be wondering the streets freely
Ryan Smallwood arrest for dropping pants, but SMALLWOOD, please keep you pants on, we are not impressed

Brilliant video game thieves butt-dial 911 and brag

Rhode Island Man “armed” with potato arrested for attempted robbery

Man rips off lingeries during arrest

Hannah Sabata, 19, is taken into custody by York and Polk County Sheriff’s Office members. She appears, in the same clothes, on a YouTube video called “Chick Bank Robber,” bragging about robbing the Waco, Neb., bank and stealing a car.

Car thief steals another vehicle to make curt date

Fugitive caught after updating his facebook status

TWO would-be jewel thieves Peter Welsh, 32, and Dwayne Doolan, 31, were arrested after they found fried chicken instead of fine jewellery when they burrowed through a wall into the wrong store at Beaudesert, southwest of Brisbane Australia.

Thief shows up for drink

Applebee’s waitress Brianna Priddy lost her wallet, containing her ID on her night off. Two weeks later at work she asked a patron for her ID, and the woman handed back HER lost ID. Priddy didn’t panic. “I handed it back to her and said, ‘Sure, I’ll be right back with your margarita,'” Priddy called the police, and tried to act normal while waiting for them to arrive. When police arrived, the woman, whose name has not been released, was arrested on suspicion of theft, identity theft and criminal impersonation. Police also found narcotics in her possession. “Dumb criminal,” Lakewood police spokesman Steve Davis told Denver’s 9NEWS. “That’s the first thing that comes to mind.”
Man running from cops stops to pet cars, goes to jail