10 Stunning Facts About Your Eyes That You Don’t Know

1. People with blue eyes might share a common ancestor, crazy right?

People with blue eyes share the same ancestor

Researches show that at everyone’s eyes were brown until a genetic mutation that led to different colored eyes.

2. We blink 28,000 times a day

We blink 28,000 times a day

We blink around 15-20 times per minute, which equates to about 1,200 times per hour and around 28,000 times per day. Some research suggests we blink to give the brain a breather; it’s a very brief moment of relaxation for our minds.

3. Did you know dogs communicate with us by looking into our eyes

Dogs communicate with us by looking into our eyes

Studies have shown the dogs perceive cues from humans by looking at their eyes. This is very similar to how babies learn to interpret cues.

4. Some blind people can actually see in their dreams

Blind people can see in their dream

People who were born blind have no understanding of how to see in their waking lives, so they can’t see in their dreams. But most blind people lose their sight later in life and can dream visually

5. Our eyes view things upside down, then our brains flip them right-side up

Eyes view things upside down

The structure of the eye causes it to view your surroundings as upside first. Once your brain perceives the image, it’s flip right-side up.

6. Your eyes can get sunburned

your eyes can get sunburned

Although eyes do not get “sunburned” in the same way that skin does, excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays can lead to many eye problems, both short- and long-term So wear your sunglasses

7. The length of your eyes matter

Being near or far sighted has to do with the length of your eye

Nearsighted people have longer eyeballs and people with shorter ones are farsighted

8. Some people have a fear of eyes – Ommetaphobia

Some people have a fear of eyes

Ommetaphobia is also known as Ommatophobia and is the fear of eyes. Ommetaphobia develops when someone has a bad situation or traumatic event occur in their life involving eyes like seeing an eye pop out of the socket, getting hit in the eye, or going blind in an eye

9. 20/20 vision is normal not perfect

20/20 vision is not perfect, it's just normal.

After Laser surgery people can achieve 20/10 vision, and this is the best recorded vision

10. The human eye can detect more than 10 million colors

The human eye can detect more than 10 million colors

In average the human eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors. Some women may see 100 million colors, thanks to their genes.

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