15 Porn Facts You Never Knew. #15 Will Shock You
1. www.whitehouse.com was a porn site until 2014.

2. The average rate for a male porn star is $500 for straight porn and $1,500 for gay porn.
3. In an attempt to boost sex drive among panda bears, scientist made porn clips for them.

4. The punishment for watching porn in North Korea is DEATH

5. ‘TEEN’ and ‘MILF’ are the most frequently searched porn terms on the Internet.

6. One in three porn visitors is a woman

7. Every second the online porn industry makes over $3,000

8. In the USA, a new porn video is produced every 39 minutes on average

9. A survey of Hilton, Marriot, Hyatt, Sheraton, and Holliday Inn hotels found that it wasn’t their quality service or expert maids that were the main source of profit, because almost 70% of their room service profits come from porn movies

10. Over 35% of all Internet downloads are pornographic

11. About 30 million people are watching porn right now

12. There’s a porn video that was shot in zero gravity

13. Scholars at the University of Montreal were unable to study men who do not watch porn because they could not find any.

14. Porn revenue is bigger than the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC

15. Mia Khalifa, responded to anonymous threats from fanatic muslims threatening to cut her head off with “long as it’s not my tits. They were expensive