These 25 Everyday Life Things Are More Deadly Than Sharks… You Won’t Believe Them

11. Trampoline

Trampolines contribute to tons of injuries and around 2 deaths per year.

Trampolines killed about 2 people per year

12. Lighting

40-60 people are killed by lighting every year.

40-60 people are killed by lighting every year

13. Vending Machine

Vending machines caused more deaths than snakes and sharks combined. So to stay safe and healthy, stop getting chips from the vending machines

Vending machines caused more deaths than snakes and shark combined

14. Pencil

Pencils caused around 100 death every year. Maybe we should reconsider letting little kids using them

Pencils caused around 100 deaths every year

15. Bathtub

There are roughly 300 bathtub drowning deaths per year. So don’t get too comfortable while taking bath and definitely don’t take a nap

Over 300 bathtub drowning deaths every year

16. Cellphone

Aside from terrible auto correct fails, texting and driving is incredibly dangerous, causing 6,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

6,000 cellphones related deaths every year in the U.S.

17. Television

Televisions caused 29 deaths in 2011, which is much higher than the deaths by sharks

Televisions caused 21 death in 2011

18. Champagne Cork

Never stand in front of someone while uncorking champagne – worldwide, 24 people are killed by these corks-turned-projectiles

Champagne Corks killed 24 people every year

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