You Won’t Believe How Small These 25 Countries Are

11. Marshall Islands


Area: 181 square km. This group of 1,156 islands in the Pacific ocean is a sovereign state although the US provides defense, social services, and funding.

12. Federated States of Micronesia


Area: 702 square km. This small Pacific island country is in free association with the US meaning the United States provides defense, funding, social services.

13. Grenada


Area: 344 square km. Grenada has come to be known as the “Island of Spice” due to its export of nutmeg and mace.

14. São Tomé and Príncipe


Area: 964 square km. Consisting of two islands, São Tomé and Príncipe is the smallest Portuguese speaking nation in the world, and the second smallest country in Africa.

15. Palau


Area: 459 square km. This small Pacific nation is in free association with the US meaning it receives defense, funding, and social services from its larger partner.

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