These 25 Everyday Life Things Are More Deadly Than Sharks… You Won’t Believe Them

19. Coconut

150 people are killed each year by falling coconuts. So be careful when walking near coconut trees, don’t become a statistic

Coconuts killed over 150 people every year

20. Dog

Dog bites are the cause of 30 fatalities per year.

Dog bites are the cause of 30 fatalities every year

21. Furniture

26 people are crushed by heavy furniture each year. So you should hire professional movers next time when moving

26 people are crushed by heavy furniture each year

22. Icicle

Failing icicles killed over 100 year a year in Russia alone. So another reason to hate winter

Icicles killed over 100 year a year in Russia

23. Ladder

Ladders caused around 113 deaths annually

Ladders caused around 13 deaths every year

24. Lawnmower

75 people die every year because of lawnmower-related injuries. Maybe you can use this excuse next time when your parents ask you to help with the yard work

75 people die from lawnmower related accident every year

25. Swing Set

Swing sets killed over 20 people per year

Swing sets killed over 20 people per year

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