10 Things Dirtier Than Your Toilet… How Many Do You Use Everyday
1. TV Remote
Maybe we should stop eating snacks while watching TV

2. Ice
70% of ice served at restaurants tested dirtier than toilet water. Don’t know about you, but I am going to order drinks without ices from now on.

3. Refrigerators
Most refrigerators test positive for Escherichia coli.

4. Cell Phone
Cell phones average 10 times more bacteria than a toilet.

5. Restaurant Menu
Restaurant menus have 100 times more bacteria than a toilet. Waiter, can you please read me the menu?

6. Keyboards
Keyboards can be up to 200 times dirtier than your toilet seat. Not enough to prevent me from playing League of Legends

7. Reusable Shopping Bag
Reusable shopping bags contain more fecal matter than your underwear. Who needs a bag, I barely shop

8. Work Desk
Your work desk is 400 times dirtier than a toilet. I eat, work and sometime sleep on it.

9. Mattress
After ten years your mattress will double in weight from dead skin cells and dust mite poop. Let’s all change mattress at the 9.9th year

10. Dollar Bill
A single dollar bill has over 200,000 bacteria.